Public Comment Procedures

Instructions for Public Comment
The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. The Board appreciates feedback in order to make the best decisions possible to benefit students. In order to permit fair and orderly expression of public comment, the Board will provide a period at the beginning of each regular meeting during which visitors may address the Board on any topic within the scope of the Board's responsibility.

Public comment procedure for school board meetings
During each regular meeting, at the time established on the agenda, the Board President will recognize individuals who wish to speak to the Board. Individuals may appear in person, virtually (via Zoom) or submit a Written Public Comment Form to speak to the Board.

Please refrain from comments that are an invasion of privacy, violate school district policy related to harassment, intimidation, bullying or discrimination, are disruptive, irrelevant, libelous, slanderous or profane.

In-Person Public Comments

A person wishing to speak to the Board in person shall:
- Complete and sign a Public Comment Form including name, address, and topic of the public comment;
- Return the Public Comment Form to the place indicated prior to the time the meeting is called to order;
- Have a seat, and when the Board President calls your name, approach the microphone/podium; and
- Limit comments to three (3) minutes. (The timer on the screen will help you stay on time as you speak.)

Virtual Public Comments

A person wishing to speak to the Board virtually (via Zoom) shall:
- Complete an online Public Comment Form including name, address, email address, Zoom user name, and topic of the public comment no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day of the board meeting;
- Log in to Zoom for the board meeting. When your name is announced, the meeting Clerk will promote the speaker to panelist to join the meeting. The speaker will need to join as a panelist, allow video and unmute microphone in order to be seen and heard; and
- Limit comments to three (3) minutes. (The timer on the screen will help you stay on time as you speak.) The meeting Clerk will then return the speaker to attendee status for the remainder of the meeting.

Written Public Comment 

A person wishing to submit a written public comment to the Board shall:
- Complete an online Written Public Comment Form, including name, address, email address and the written comment no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day of the board meeting.
- Your statement will be distributed to the Board. 

What happens while you speak?
The Board listens. The Board respects your perspectives and values your input and suggestions.

What happens after you speak?
Depending upon the nature of your topic or questions, the Superintendent may ask staff to contact you to answer questions or provide information.  

Is there a public record of comments?
Yes. The District normally videos and audio records regular board business meetings, and they are streamed live and recorded via YouTube. These electronic records are linked on the district website. Written minutes of school board meetings are also available through the district website, BoardDocs, and the Superintendent's office.

When does the board meet?
Regular board meetings usually happen twice a month on Mondays at 6 p.m.

Where can I get an agenda before a meeting?
You can review each regular board meeting agenda online on the district website the Friday evening before a regular Monday board meeting.