Program Description
Our focus is on providing explicit instruction regarding how to use tools and strategies to identify, regulate and communicate emotions, make appropriate behavioral choices, and demonstrate expected behaviors across school settings and beyond. We strive to create a predictable, consistent and affirming environment where students feel accepted and supported in their individual growth in all areas of development, with a focus on the area of behavior.
Common Characteristics/Needs of Students Served
• Significant maladaptive behaviors impacting the safety and learning of themselves &/or others
• Do not demonstrate an ability to navigate safely or independently throughout the school day
• May or may not have additional areas of service in their IEP
Critical Program Elements (Non-negotiables)
• Explicit teaching and reinforcement of appropriate behavior and generalizing to general education settings
• Individual and/or group positive behavior incentives for behavior targets in alignment with school-wide Positive Behavior Incentive Systems (PBIS), which includes coaching and goal setting
• First, then contingencies (lower preference to higher preference)
• Establishment of a “home base” throughout the day as a place to return for self-regulation, as needed
• Appropriate and increasing amounts of time spent in general education settings and communication/partnering with other teachers
• Partnering with the mental health support staff at each building for student support (in class lessons, small group or individual sessions)
• Specifically supporting academic progress either through direct instruction in goal areas or collaborating with general education/resource room teachers
Programs are offered at Eagle Creek Elementary, Post Middle School and Arlington High School.
Note: Specialized programs are available only for students who are not demonstrating the ability to meaningfully access and progress in their education while receiving all services available to them at their neighborhood school (e.g., specially designed instruction, related services, modifications/accommodations, etc.). Often students show characteristics that may suggest more than one specialized program placement option may need to be considered. In these situations, we rely on the IEP team’s thorough knowledge of the student’s strengths, needs and prominent characteristics in conjunction with familiarity with the specialized programs in our district.