Advisory Council for Education (ACE)
This is a standing committee commissioned by the Arlington School Board.
The purpose of this committee is to provide systemic representative public involvement in educational decisions under consideration by the Board of Directors. This committee will meet monthly throughout the school year and more often if needed. If requested by the Board of Directors, a year-end report to summarize the activities of the committee work will be provided.
Learn more about ACE here.
Budget Advisory Task Force (BATF)
The Budget Advisory Task Force is a district-led advisory group designed to
solicit citizen participation in the district’s budget process. Members of this task force will increase their understanding of school district finances, public school funding and education learning needs. This task force will provide feedback regarding budget priorities and make recommendations to the superintendent.
District and Community Equity Team (DCET)
The purpose of this committee is to provide input and feedback for the implementation of the district equity plan. This group will include diverse representation from key stakeholder groups. The group members will engage in conversations about the equity work and needs.
Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC)
The purpose of this committee is to: review the current state of the district’s
instructional and support facilities to gauge their adequacy in supporting the safe, equitable delivery of instructional services; make recommendations to the Superintendent regarding future facilities needs based on student population data, reports from professional services providers, and other objective sources of data.
Instructional Materials Program Committee (IMPC)
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
SEAC will serve as a collaborative forum where parents, guardians, students, and school staff can come together to support and advocate for the needs of students receiving special education services in Arlington.
Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)
The purpose of the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) is to advise and collaborate with the Director of Technology by representing a wide variety of District stakeholder groups, so as to provide an opportunity for as many voices to be heard as possible when discussing the overall technology program of Arlington Public Schools (APS). Members of the TAC will bring various perspectives, experiences, and honest and constructive feedback to the District level regarding APS’s technology program. Further, the members will relay conversations, information, news/updates, and solicitations for input back to their represented stakeholder groups.
District Committee Application