September is Attendance Awareness Month
Students miss school for many reasons including illness, lack of
transportation, work, homelessness, and family responsibilities.
Families understand the importance of education, however, they may not
realize how quickly absences from school can add up. Schools, families,
and communities can work together to improve attendance and support the
needs of families and students.
Why Attendance is so important
Attendance is a major focus for Arlington Public Schools. According to
the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), every
absence, excused or unexcused, is a learning opportunity lost and can
have significant impacts on a student’s success in school and life. A
student who misses 10% or more of their school days, which amounts to 18
or more days in a school year—or just two days a month—for any reason
is considered chronically absent. Chronically absent students are more
likely to fall behind in reading and math and less likely to graduate
from high school. Addressing chronic absenteeism and developing good
attendance habits is a solvable problem for which we all share

Qualifications of Attendance and Placement (Policy 3110)
Excused and Unexcused Absences (Policy 3122)
Pre-Arranged Absence Form 3122F1