Washington state now requires that school districts provide vision screening for both distance and near vision. In the past, we screened for just distance vision.
We are very excited to be partnered with Arlington's Lion's Club. The Lion's Club has purchased an electronic screening device called a Plusoptix Vision Screener. This device can scan for near and far vision acuity as well as lazy eye and astigmatism. If the student does not pass the screening with the device, they then are screened with the eye chart. This device is very reliable, safe, and is used in pediatrician offices as well with other school districts. There is no student identification information being entered into the scanner at this point.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Krissa Cramer, RN, District Nurse at 360.618.6286 Ext: 10201. We are looking for volunteers to help with the vision screenings at the elementary level in March. This would involve checking students in and assisting with keeping the testing area organized. Please call Ms. Cramer if you are interested in this volunteer opportunity.